How Do You Say 40-40 in Tennis?

In the thrilling world of tennis, there exists a peculiar moment that evokes both anticipation and tension amongst players and spectators alike. It’s the point when the score reaches a remarkable 40-40, which is commonly referred to as "deuce." This marvelous term, steeped in tradition and embedded in the rich history of the sport, denotes a state of equilibrium, a temporary suspension of advantage, where both competitors stand on equal footing. As the match hangs in the balance, the players brace themselves, ready to embark on a captivating battle for supremacy and eventual victory. So, how do you say 40-40 in tennis? The answer lies in the enchanting word "deuce," serving as a beacon of excitement and unpredictability in the game we cherish.

What Do You Call 30-30 in Tennis?

In tennis, when both players have won two points in a row and the score is 30-30, it’s commonly called “Deuce”. This term signifies that both players have an equal chance to win the game and adds an element of excitement to the match.

This adds tension and suspense to the game, as both players are determined to win the pivotal point and gain the advantage.

Once one player wins the next point after “Deuce”, they’ve what’s called an “Advantage”. This means that they only need to win one more point to win the game. If the player with the advantage wins the next point, they win the game.

It’s a pivotal moment in the game where both players have an equal chance to win the game and the outcome hangs in the balance.

How Does the “Advantage” Rule Work in Tennis?

  • The “Advantage” rule is a key component of tennis scoring.
  • When the game score reaches deuce, meaning the score is tied at 40-40, players must win two consecutive points to win the game.
  • If a player wins the next point after deuce, they gain the advantage.
  • When a player has the advantage, they only need to win one more point to win the game.
  • If the player with the advantage loses the next point, the score goes back to deuce.
  • This process continues until one player wins two consecutive points from deuce to secure the game.

Tennis scoring can sometimes vary in how it’s announced, with different terms used to express the same score. In certain circles, scores like 30-all, 40-30, or 30-40 are commonly called out instead of using the terms ad-in or ad-out. However, once it reaches a 40-deuce tie, the ad-in and ad-out expressions tend to be used.

Is 40 30 the Same as Ad In?

When it comes to calling out the score in tennis, there can often be variations in how players choose to express it. While the standardized scoring system exists, some individuals may opt to use different terminologies based on their familiarity or regional customs. This can lead to different phrases being used to represent the same score, creating minor discrepancies in communication.

In the scenario you described, where players are saying “30-all,” “40-30,” or “30-40” instead of “ad-in” or “ad-out,” it seems that they prefer to use the numerical representation for the scores rather than the traditional terms. This could be a personal preference or a habit formed within their tennis community.

Usually, the phrase “ad-in” or “ad-out” is employed when a game reaches the score of 40-deuce. This indicates that one player is ahead by one point but hasn’t yet won the game. It serves as a way to highlight the importance and intensity of the moment, as both players are vying for that crucial advantage.

The History and Origins of the Terms “Ad-In” and “Ad-Out” in Tennis Scoring.

In tennis scoring, “ad-in” and “ad-out” are terms used to indicate the score when the players are tied at 40-40, or “deuce”.

Originally, the term “ad” was derived from the French word “avantage”, meaning advantage. When the score is 40-40, the server’s next point is referred to as “ad-in” if they win it, while the receiver’s point is called “ad-out”.

This terminology emphasizes the importance of winning the next point to gain an advantage and potentially win the game. The usage of “ad-in” and “ad-out” dates back to the origins of modern tennis in the late 19th century.

Source: Is 30-all and 40-all technically “duece” – Talk Tennis


Understanding the language of tennis enables enthusiasts to fully appreciate the intensity and strategy involved in this timeless sport. By knowing how to say "40-40" correctly, we can engage in meaningful discussions and conversations surrounding the game, fostering a deeper connection and appreciation for the intricacies of tennis.

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