What Is It Called When You Miss Both Serves?

When it comes to tennis, the serving aspect of the game holds a significant importance. Serving not only sets the pace for the match but also provides an opportunity to seize control or gain an advantage. However, there are times when even the most experienced and skilled players find themselves facing an unfortunate situation. What happens when both serves miss their intended mark? Is there a specific term or consequence for such a scenario? Indeed, there is. When a player's first serve fails to land within the correct box, it’s referred to as a "fault." However, if the misfortune strikes again, resulting in a missed second serve, the term used is a "double fault." With a double fault, the opponent is awarded the point, adding an extra layer of pressure and importance to each serve. So next time you find yourself missing both serves, remember the sting of a double fault and the potential consequences in the thrilling game of tennis.

What Do You Call Out When You’re on Second Serve?

When you find yourself on your second serve in a game of tennis, there are certain calls that players make in order to signal their intentions. The most common call is simply saying “second serve” to let both your opponent and the umpire know that this is indeed your second attempt. This call is crucial in maintaining fairness and transparency in the game.

However, the consequences for missing your second serve are quite different. In such a situation, when your second serve fails to go into play, it’s commonly referred to as a “double fault.”. This term implies that you’ve made two consecutive serving errors, resulting in your opponent winning the point. It can be a frustrating moment, as it essentially hands the advantage to your opponent.

The significance of a double fault in tennis can’t be underestimated. It not only gifts a point to your opponent but also adds to the pressure and mental strain you may experience during the match. It’s important for players to remain focused and composed after a double fault, as dwelling on the mistake can have a negative impact on their overall performance.

To avoid double faults and increase their chances of winning the point, players often rely on strategies such as adjusting their serving technique, choosing safer targets, or taking a little more time to compose themselves before the serve. These strategies can help minimize the risk of double faults and improve the overall consistency of their serves.

They not only result in a loss of points but can also have psychological implications. It’s important for players to maintain composure and focus on delivering successful second serves in order to minimize their impact and maximize their chances of winning the match.

Training Exercises for Improving Second Serve Accuracy: Offering Specific Drills and Exercises That Players Can Incorporate Into Their Training Routines to Work on Their Second Serve Accuracy and Placement.

  • Aim for a target on the opposite service box and practice hitting your second serve to that spot consistently.
  • Work on your toss placement to ensure a better ball toss for your second serve. This will help with accuracy and consistency.
  • Incorporate shadow swings into your practice sessions. This involves mimicking the motion of your second serve without actually hitting a ball, focusing on form and technique.
  • Practice the kick serve as a variation of your second serve. This can improve accuracy and placement by adding spin to the serve.
  • Utilize targets such as cones or markers placed on the court to encourage more precise placement of your second serve.
  • Work on your footwork and body positioning during the serve to ensure better control and accuracy.
  • Experiment with different grips and stances to find what works best for your second serve.
  • Incorporate drills that involve serving under pressure, such as serving with a point or game situation in mind. This can simulate real match scenarios and improve your accuracy in high-pressure situations.
  • Record and analyze your serves to identify any patterns or areas for improvement in your second serve accuracy. This can help you pinpoint specific technical adjustments that may be needed.
  • Practice consistency by performing a set number of second serves in a row, aiming to maintain accuracy and placement throughout the entire session.


Unlike a single fault, which allows players a second attempt, a double fault results in the loss of the point and highlights the importance of precision and consistency in serving. This term embodies the frustration and disappointment that often accompanies such mistakes, serving as a reminder for players to continuously refine their skills and maintain focus to avoid this costly error on the court.

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